ATAK Case Studies


In partnership with Intellisense Systems Incorporated, DS2 developed a plug-in within the Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK) that integrated with the Micro-Weather Sensor (MWS®), using Trellisware TW-970 radios. Intellisense develops advanced sensing and display products that support a data continuum from acquisition to visualization. Armed forces rely on Intellisense Systems' cutting-edge technologies to acquire and translate complex data into clear, useful information. All-in-one weather stations are redefining environmental sensing solutions. These self-powered units can take over 20 environmental measurements, including visibility and precipitation, in varying time increments. Additionally, they can capture and send imagery from the sensors location to provide further situational awareness on the ground. Intellisense System's MWS® is one of the leading solutions within the Air Force and specifically special operations.